Ngarigo Tourism

Ngarigo country is arguably the best natural environment in Australia, ideal for a well-managed tourism industry. Ngarigo people are the mountain people, the people of the snow. We are unique, we have a fabulous history and are an opportunity to raise the level of tourism in the region for the benefit of all.

The demand for an Aboriginal experience is very high from the international market and for some segments of the domestic market such as people with high levels of education. This market is in its very early stages of development and Ngarigo Nation is actively pushing indigenous tourism as an avenue for jobs, the presentation of culture and the preservation of country. Cultural Storytelling, embedded in the full spectrum of tourism product will have a flow-on effect throughout the region.

Click HERE to download and review The Storytelling Framework discussion paper.

To be successful in raising the profile of Indigenous tourism in Southern NSW high country, Ngarigo Nation is lobbying the government and the industry at a local, regional and state level.

Click HERE to download or review The Future of Indigenous Tourism in Southern NSW discussion paper.

Organisations wishing to increase the presence and impact of First Nations people in their tourism products and services can contact NNIC for more details.